The Natural Language Parser - MUD谓词(verb)指南

  General documentation:

  parse_command() is one of the most complex efun in LPmud to use. It takes
  some effort to learn and use, but when mastered, very powerful constructs
  can be implemented.

  Basically parse_command() is a hotted sscanf operating on word basis. It
  works similar to sscanf in that it takes a pattern and a variable set of
  destination arguments. It is together with sscanf the only efun to use
  pass by reference for other variables than arrays.

  *** NOTE: Effective June 22, 1994 ... parse_command() and sscanf()
            no longer receive an lvalue list before being called.
            The destination arguments are simply placed (in reverse
            order) into a preallocated stack frame; upon return the
            driver will perform the necessary assignments and clean
            up the stack.

  To make the efun useful it must have a certain support from the mudlib,
  there is a set of functions that it needs to call to get relevant
  information before it can parse in a sensible manner.

  In earlier versions it used the normal id() lfun in the LPC objects to
  find out if a given object was identified by a certain string. This was
  highly inefficient as it could result in hundreds or maybe thousands of
  calls when very long commands were parsed.

  The new version relies on the LPC objects to give it three lists of 'names'.

       1 - The normal singular names.
       2 - The plural forms of the names.
       3 - The acknowledged adjectives of the object.

  These are fetched by calls to the functions:

       1 - string *parse_command_id_list();
       2 - string *parse_command_plural_id_list();
       3 - string *parse_command_adjectiv_id_list();

  The only really needed list is the first. If the second does not exist
  than the efun will try to create one from the singular list. For
  grammatical reasons it does not always succeed in a perfect way. This is
  especially true when the 'names' are not single words but phrases.

  The third is very nice to have because it makes constructs like
  'get all the little blue ones' possible.

  Apart from these functions that should exist in all objects, and which
  are therefore best put in /std/object.c there is also a set of functions
  needed in /secure/master.c These are not absolutely necessary but they
  give extra power to the efun.

  Basically these /secure/master.c lfuns are there to give default values
  for the lists of names fetched from each object.

  The names in these lists are applicable to any and all objects, the first
  three are identical to the lfun's in the objects:

       string *parse_command_id_list()
                - Would normally return: ({ "one", "thing" })

       string *parse_command_plural_id_list()
                - Would normally return: ({ "ones", "things", "them" })

       string *parse_command_adjectiv_id_list()
                - Would normally return ({ "iffish" })

  The last two are the default list of the prepositions and a single so called
  'all' word.

       string *parse_command_prepos_list()
                 - Would normally return: ({ "in", "on", "under" })

       string parse_command_all_word()
                 - Would normally return: "all"

  IF you want to use a different language than English but still want the
  default pluralform maker to work, you need to replace parse.c with the
  following file:

#if 0
    * Language configured parse.c
    #define PARSE_FOREIGN

    char *parse_to_plural(str)
        char *str;

        * Your own plural converter for your language *


      * The numberwords below should be replaced for the new language *

    static char *ord1[] = {"", "first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth",
                           "sixth", "seventh", "eighth", "ninth", "tenth",
                           "eleventh", "twelfth", "thirteenth", "fourteenth",
                           "fifteenth", "sixteenth", "seventeenth",

    static char *ord10[] = {"", "", "twenty","thirty","forty","fifty","sixty",
                            "seventy", "eighty","ninety"};

    static char *sord10[] = {"", "", "twentieth", "thirtieth", "fortieth",
                             "fiftieth", "sixtieth","seventieth", "eightieth",

    static char *num1[] = {"", "one","two","three","four","five","six",
                           "sixteen", "seventeen","eighteen","nineteen"};

    static char *num10[] = {"", "", "twenty","thirty","forty","fifty","sixty",
                           "seventy", "eighty","ninety"};

    #include "parse_english.c"      * This parse.c file *


  When all these things are defined parse_command() works best and most
  efficient. What follows is the docs for how to use it from LPC:

  Doc for LPC function

int parse_command(string, object/object*, string, destargs...)

                        Returns 1 if pattern matches

        string          Given command

        object*         if arr
        object                  array holding the accessible objects
                        if ob
                                object from which to recurse and create
                                the list of accessible objects, normally
                                ob = environment(this_player())
        string          Parsepattern as list of words and formats:
                        Example string = " 'get' / 'take' %i "
                                'word'          obligatory text
                                [word]          optional text
                                /               Alternative marker
                                %o              Single item, object
                                %l              Living objects
                                %s              Any text
                                %w              Any word
                                %p              One of a list (prepositions)
                                %i              Any items
                                %d              Number 0- or tx(0-99)

        destargs        This is the list of result variables as in sscanf
                        One variable is needed for each %_
                        The return types of different %_ is:
                        %o      Returns an object
                        %s      Returns a string of words
                        %w      Returns a string of one word
                        %p      Can on entry hold a list of word in array
                                or an empty variable
                                   if empty variable: a string
                                   if array: array[0]=matched word
                        %i      Returns a special array on the form:
                                [0] = (int) +(wanted) -(order) 0(all)
                                [1..n] (object) Objectpointers
                        %l      Returns a special array on the form:
                                [0] = (int) +(wanted) -(order) 0(all)
                                [1..n] (object) Objectpointers
                                                These are only living objects.
                        %d      Returns a number

  The only types of % that uses all the loaded information from the objects
  are %i and %l. These are in fact identical except that %l filters out
  all nonliving objects from the list of objects before trying to parse.

  The return values of %i and %l is also the most complex. They return an
  array consisting of first a number and then all possible objects matching.
  As the typical string matched by %i/%l looks like: 'three red roses',
  'all nasty bugs' or 'second blue sword' the number indicates which
  of these numerical constructs was matched:

         if numeral >0 then three, four, five etc were matched
         if numeral <0 then second, twentyfirst etc were matched
         if numeral==0 then 'all' or a generic plural form such as 'apples'
                            were matched.

       The efun makes no semantic implication on the given numeral. It does
       not matter if 'all apples' or 'second apple' is given. A %i will
       return ALL possible objects matching in the array. It is up to the
       caller to decide what 'second' means in a given context.

       Also when given an object and not an explicit array of objects the
       entire recursive inventory of the given object is searched. It is up
       to the caller to decide which of the objects are actually visible
       meaning that 'second' might not at all mean the second object in
       the returned array of objects.


 if (parse_command("spray car",environment(this_player()),
                      " 'spray' / 'paint' [paint] %i ",items))
      If the pattern matched then items holds a return array as described
        under 'destargs' %i above.


 BUGS / Features

 Patterns of type: "%s %w %i"
   Might not work as one would expect. %w will always succeed so the arg
   corresponding to %s will always be empty.

 Patterns of the type: 'word' and [word]
   The 'word' can not contain spaces. It must be a single word. This is so
   because the pattern is exploded on " " (space) and a pattern element can
   therefore not contain spaces.

Scatter's Guide to the MudOS Parser:

The Natural Language Parser

The Problem
A gut reaction to this entire system is to be overwhelmed by its apparent complexity, comparing it to the good-old days of using add_action(). A discussion of the natural language parsing system therefore needs to start by answering the question, "Why bother?".

The old way of handling user input was to define commands and tie them to functions using add_action. Each user object kept track which commands it had available to it, and of which functions each command would trigger. The list of commands changed each time the player object (really, any object which had enable_commands() called in it) moved. In addition, each time an object moved inside the player object or left its inventory, this list changed.

This led to two basic problems:

   1. The same command might have slightly different uses in different parts of the mud. Or worse, the player could have two similar objects which define the same command in slightly different ways.
   2. The complexity of syntax varied based on creator abilities and was limited by CPU. 

For example, one creator could have created a rock in their area that added the 'throw' command. This creator is a newbie creator, and thus simply put the following code in their throw_rock() function:

int throw_rock(string str) {
    object ob;

    if( !str ) return 0;
    ob = present(str, this_player());
    if( !ob ) {
        notify_fail("You have no rock!");
        return 0;
    if( ob != this_object() ) return 0;
    if( (int)ob->move(environment(this_player())) != MOVE_OK ) {
        write("You cannot throw it for some reason.");
        return 1;
    write("You throw the rock.");
    say((string)this_player()->query_cap_name() + " throws the rock.");
    return 1;

In this case, "throw rock" will work, but "throw the granite rock at tommy" will not. But another creator also defined a throw command in their spear. This creator however, is a good coder and codes their throw_spear() command to handle 'throw the red spear at tommy' as well as 'throw spear'. Explain to a player why both syntaxes only work for the spear, and not for the rock. Then explain to that player why 'throw rock' for a rock built in yet another area yields 'What?'.

An early attempt to get around this problem was the parse_command(). Unfortunately it was buggy spaghetti that was way too complex for anyone to understand. The MudOS attempt to solve this problem is its new natural language command parser. The parser is based on the following assumptions:

All commands should behave in a consistent manner across the mud.
Similar objects should respond as expected to the same command line.
A player should only see 'What?' (or its equivalent) when they make a typo.
It should enable creators to handle the complex command processing required by the above assumption.

Overview of the MudOS System
The MudOS natural language parser is based on a philosophy of centralized command parsing. In other words, creators have no control over which commands exist nor over what syntax rules existing commands follow. Instead, creators are tasked with defining what those commands mean to their objects. Unlike with add_action() where commands are registered to the driver, the MudOS system registers verbs (the command) and rules with the driver. In this example, a simple "smile" verb is registered with a single rule, "at LIV".

With the old way of doing things, commands were executed either when a player entered in a command or when the command() efun was called. With this new system, a command may be executed at any time via either the parse_sentence() or parse_my_rules() efuns.

When one of those efuns is called, the driver searches through the list of verbs for a verb and rule which matches the command string. In order to do that, however, it needs to make several calls of all the objects involved to determine what the sentence means. For any given command string, the following objects are relevant to the parsing of that command string:

the verb handler
    This object contains the functions used to see if the command is valid and to execute it. It is also the one that creates the rules for the verb. 

the subject
    This is the object from which parse_sentence() is called, or the object mentioned as the first argument in parse_my_rules(). It is the object considered to be executing the command in questin, the logical subject of the sentence. 

the master object
    This object keeps track of global information, such was what literals (mistakenly referred to as prepositions) exist across the mud. In general, a literal is a preposition.

the direct object
    This is not the logical direct object of the sentence. Rather, this is the first object at which the verb action is targetted. 

the indirect object
    Again, this is not the logical indirect object of the sentence. Rather, it is the second object at which the verb action is targetted. For example, in "give the book to the elf", the elf will be both the logical indirect object and the parser indirect object. But if you allow "give the elf the book", the elf naturally still remains the logical indirect object, but the book is the indirect object to the parser since it is the second object targetted by the verb (the first being the elf). 

Each object involved in he parsing of a sentence, except the subject, is responsible for handling certain driver applies that help the driver in parsing the sentence. The subject, unlike the other objects, is responsible for initiating the command. Although this document treats all of these objects as if they were completely distinct, it is possible to have the same object performing multiple roles for the same command. For example, your subject could also be direct object and verb handler. The next section discusses the objects and the applies they are responsible for in detail.

The Objects
Before studying each object in detail, it is important to keep in mind that each object which can be involved in any role must call parse_init() before doing anything related to verb parsing. The only exception is the master object.

The subject
The subject is simply the initiator of a command. A command is typically initiated by a call to parse_sentence() inside the object's process_input() apply. This example shows how a player object might use parse_sentence() to initiate a command. This efun will return 1 if the command successfully matched a known verb and rule and successfully executed it. If it found the verb in question, but it did not match any rule, then 0 is returned. If it found the verb in question and matched a rule, but the execution of the rule failed, it will return an errorstring describing why it failed. Finally, if no verb matched the command, then -1 is returned.

Take for example a mud with this one rule:

parse_add_rule("smile", "at LIV")

The efun parse_sentence() would return the following values for the following command lines:

smile at descartes
    Returns: 1 
smile happily
    Returns: 0 
smile at the red box
    Returns: "The Box is not a living thing!" 
eat the red box
    Returns: -1 

The master object
The master object is responsible for a single apply, parse_command_prepos_list(). This apply returns a list of literal strings which may be used in a rule. A literal string is simply one that appears in the rule exactly as a player types it. In the smile example above, "at" is a literal. In most all cases, literals are prepositions, thus the name of the apply.

The verb handler
The verb handler object is responsible for setting up the rules for a verb and handling the test and execution of those rules. This example demonstrates a simple verb handler for the smile verb described above. As you can see, each rule is divided up into three parts:

   1. initialization
   2. testing
   3. execution 

The intialization is the call to parse_add_rule(). This associates a rule with a verb. The first argument is the verb (this verb may have spaces in it, like "look at") and the second argument is one of the rules being handled by this verb handler. This list defines the valid tokens for a rule.

The testing portion is a "can" apply. In testing a rule, the driver calls the applies can_<verb_rule> to determine if the execution of the verb even makes sense in this situation. The test apply is called when the driver has valid arguments to a rule, but it wants to see if those valid arguments make sense right now. For example, you might check a player here to see if they have enough magic points for casting the spell this verb/rule represents. If not, you might return "You are too tired right now.". If the rule match up in question makes completely no sense at all, like for example, they tried to throw a house for the ("throw", "OBJ") rule, you should return 0. The parser will guess well an error message from the situation. In this case, it will have parse_sentence() return "You cannot throw the thing.".

Finally execution is where the verb actually happens. You know you have a verb/rule match and you know all the arguments to it are valid. Now it is time to do something. You almost always want to return 1 from this function except in extreme circumstances.

The direct and indirect objects
As stated above, the directness or indirectness of an object has nothing to do with the linguistic meaning of those terms. Instead it has to do with what position in the token list the object takes. The direct object is the first object in the token list, and the indirect object is the second object in the token list.

These objects basically answer the question "Can I be the direct/indirect object for this verb and rule?". Like the testing and execution applies for verb handlers, the applies that answer this question may return 1, 0, or an error string. Also like the testing and execution applies for the verb handler, these come in the form of (in)direct_<verb>_<rule>(). This example is from somewhere inside the living object heirarchy. Note the is_living() apply which lets the parser know that the object matches a LIV token.

Inventory visibility
Some objects are subjects, direct objects, or indirect objects of verbs which require access to things in their inventory. For example, living things, bags, chests, etc. all need to allow other things access to their inventories for some commands. Two applies handle this situation:

   1. inventory_accessible()
   2. inventory_visible() 

The first returns 1 if verbs can have access to an object's inventory, the second returns 1 if verbs simply can take into account an object's inventory. An example of the difference might be a glass chest. When closed, you want its inventory to be visible, but not accessible.

It is important to remember that is the return value for any of these special applies, including is_living(), you need to make an explicit call to the parse_refresh() efun. Unless the parse_refresh() efun is called, these special applies are only called once with no guarantee as to when that one call will actually occur.

Creating a New Verb
Currently, the Lima and Nightmare mudlibs use this parser system. Both mudlibs provide inheritable objects which make it simpler to interface with the MudOS parser system. Nightmare specifically has the inheritable LIB_VERB with methods for defining a new verb.

This verb example comes from the Nightmare mudlib. The simple Nightmare verb requires the following steps:

   1. Name the verb
   2. State the verb rules
   3. Name any synonyms
   4. Set an error message for display when the command is wrongly used
   5. Create help text for the command 

Naming the verb is done through the SetVerb() method. You simply specify the name of the verb.

The rules are passed to the SetRules() method. You may specify as many rules as are needed for the verb.

Like rules, synonyms are set as a list for the SetSynonyms() method. A synonym is simply any verb which is exactly synonymous with any possible rule for the verb in question. The player is able to access help for the verb and get error messages for the verb through the verb or any of its synonyms.

The error message is a string displayed to the user when they use the verb in an incorrect manner. For example, if I typed 'eat' when the rule is 'eat OBJ', the error message would be 'Eat what?'.

Finally, like with any object, the help text can be set through the SetHelp() method. Help is very important for verbs.

All of these methods only are able to take care of verb initalization. It is up to the verb creator to give meaning to a new verb. This is done first off by writing can_*() and do_*() applies in the verb handler. These methods should be very simplistic in nature. For example, a can method almost always simply returns 1. A do method generally finds its target and triggers some sort of event in that object. The event does the real command handling.

In addition to can and do applies, you need also to write any direct and indirect applies in approperiate objects. Nightmare centralizes this sort of processing through inheritables geared towards responding to particular verbs. A good example of this is LIB_PRESS which responds to the "press" command. Thus any object which should be pressable needs only to inherit this object to become a pressable object.

The can, do, direct, and indirect applies all have the same argument set for the same verb/rule pair, but it is important to know when the parser knows certan things. Take for example the verb/rule "press OBJ on OBJ". The parser takes the following actions:

   1. Call can_press_obj_on_obj() in verb handler
   2. Call direct_press_obj_on_obj() in all accessible and visible objects
   3. Call indirect_press_obj_on_obj() in all accessible and visible objects
   4. Call do_press_obj_on_obj() in the verb handler 

The arguments to all methods called in this process are:

   1. object direct_object
   2. object indirect_object
   3. string direct_object_as_entered_on_command_line
   4. string indirect_object_as_entered_on_command_line 

But how can can_press_obj_on_obj() know what the direct and indirect objects are if they have not been identified yet? The answer is that it cannot. For the command "push the button on the wall", in a room with me and you in it and we carry nothing, the sequence looks like this (return in parens):

   1. verb->can_press_obj_on_obj(0, 0, "the button", "the wall"); (1)
   2. me->direct_press_obj_on_obj(0, 0, "the button", the wall"); (0)
   3. you->direct_press_obj_on_obj(0, 0, "the button", "the wall"); (0)
   4. room->direct_press_obj_on_obj(0, 0, "the button", "the wall"); (1)
   5. me->indirect_press_obj_on_obj(room, 0, "the button", "the wall"); (0)
   6. you->indirect_press_obj_on_obj(room, 0, "the button", "the wall"); (0)
   7. room->indirect_press_obj_on_obj(room, 0, "the button", "the wall"); (1)
   8. verb->do_press_obj_on_obj(room, room, "the buton", "the wall"); (1) 

This assumes, of course, that the room responds positively with the id's "button" and "wall".

People familiar with the parser might say, "Hey, wait, there is a lot more that happens than just that." In fact, there are many more possible permutations of this sequence. The most interesting is the ability to simply ignore the difference between prepositions like "in" and "into" which are often used interchangeably in colloquial speech. For example, if you had "put OBJ in OBJ" and "put OBJ into OBJ" verb/rules, you could handle them in a single place for each of the applies respectively liek this:


If the parser found no can_put_obj_in_obj() defined, it then searches for a more generic handler, can_put_obj_word_obj(). In fact the real order it searches for a can handler is:

   1. can_put_obj_in_obj()
   2. can_put_obj_word_obj()
   3. can_put_rule()
   4. can_verb_rule() 

Last example:

static void create() {
    parse_add_rule("smile", "at LIV");

mixed can_smile_at_liv(object target) { 
    return 1;

mixed do_smile_at_liv(object target) {
    previous_object()->eventPrint("You smile at " +
      (string)target->GetName() + ".");
    target->eventPrint((string)previous_object()->GetName() +
      " smiles at you.");
    return 1;